Grade 6
The Kennett Middle School curriculum challenges a student’s intellectual potential, prepares for high school, and provides each student an opportunity for growth and success. Core curriculum offerings include Mathematics, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. Advanced, honors, and support classes are offered to those who qualify.
Cycles courses are available in all grade levels and include Physical Education, Health, Music, Chorus, Band, Orchestra, Computers, Art, Sewing, Cooking, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.)
The table below lists courses that most sixth-grade students are taking in the 24-25 school year. Music is the only course for which sixth-grade students and families needed to select. KMS principals and counselors work on schedules through the summer. Schedules can be found each school year at the Skyward Family Access Portal on the day of New Student Orientation
Grade 6 Courses at KMS
Grade 6 and 7 Year Long Cycles Classes
Grade 6 and 7 Marking Period Cycles Classes
Course placements for core classes are determined by data. If you have any questions or concerns about your student’s class placement, please use the following contact information:
Jake Moore, Principal
Erin Miller, Asst. Principal
Katie King, Asst. Principal
Vicki Rohrer, Administrative Assistant Main Office
Yazmin Emmanuelli, Administrative Assistant - Attendance
Counseling Department
Jenna Reinheimer, 6th Grade School Counselor
Kori Barley-Stoudemire, 7th Grade School Counselor
Lauren Boder, 8th Grade School Counselor
Yareli Lara, KCSD Social Worker
Gerilyn Staley, Administrative Assistant – Counseling Department