At the Kennett Consolidated School District (KCSD), student safety is our top priority. KCSD is pleased to partner with the Borough of Kennett Square, Kennett Township and Southern Chester County Regional Police Departments and the Borough of Kennett Square and Longwood Fire Companies as well as Chester County Safe Schools. We convene regularly with these agencies to review our practices and to plan trainings. In addition, local law enforcement maintain a positive presence at each of our six schools every weekday.
Student Support
Safe schools begin when every student feels supported through academic, behavioral, mental health and social services. We are proud to staff more board-certified behavior analysts, counselors, mental health therapists, psychologists and social workers than any other district in the county.
Threat Assessment Teams
Every report is assessed via the CSTAG method, an evidence-based model developed by Dr. Dewey Cornell. Widely adopted across the nation, CSTAG allows trained teams to judge the seriousness of a student’s threat and respond accordingly. In most cases, we are able to evaluate underlying causes and implement restorative practices. However, all records are housed centrally so that staff can identify persistent patterns.
Secure Systems
Doors to all six of our schools remain locked at all times. After making an appointment for non-emergencies, visitors arrive via a single secure vestibule, sign in and are screened using their photo identification. All are reminded to carry their photo identification with them for easy facilitation.
Response Ready
In the event that an incident does occur, we are prepared to respond according to our Standard Operating Procedures with the Borough of Kennett Square, Kennett Township and Southern Chester County Regional Police Departments and Borough of Kennett Square and Longwood Fire Companies as well as Chester County Safe Schools.
Asbestos Management Plan
In accordance with the EPA’s Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1987 (40 CFR Part 763, Subpart E of the Code of Federal Regulations), School Districts are required to give annual notification stating that the Asbestos Management Plan for each Building is available for public review.
This rule requires local education agencies (LEAs) to identify friable and non-friable asbestos-containing material (ACM) in public and private elementary and secondary schools by visually inspecting school buildings for such materials, sampling such materials if they are not assumed to be ACM and having samples analyzed by appropriate techniques referred to in this rule.
In keeping with this legislation, the School District was inspected by EPA accredited inspectors and a comprehensive management plan was developed for handling asbestos containing building material in a safe and responsible manner. Six-month periodic asbestos surveillances as well as 3 Year Re-Inspections are performed in accordance with AHERA.
A copy of the asbestos management plan is currently kept in the Facilities Department. These records are available for review during the normal school business hours.
Please contact the Director of Facilities at 610-444-6600 X 2100.
Real-time Reporting
KCSD regularly reminds all members of its community to remain vigilant. Anyone may submit an anonymous report via their website, their mobile app, desktop report form or phone at 1-844-Saf2Say. This system is administered by the Pennsylvania Department of the Attorney General and submissions are monitored 24/7 by District Administration.