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Visit or Volunteer

Welcome Visitors

Parents and guardians are welcome and encouraged to visit schools.  Visitors must provide advance notice and receive approval from the building principal or Director of Pupil Services & Supports. Visits are limited to one class period per month to minimize disruptions.  Visitors must register, sign in, wear a visitor’s badge, and follow school health and safety rules. Unauthorized or disruptive behavior can result in limited access to school premises. 

For the safety of our students and staff, all Kennett schools use the Navigate 360 Visitor Management System. Parents, guests, and visitors who plan to visit beyond the main office must have a visitor's ID badge.

  • All visitors must have an appointment. If you are planning to visit a classroom or other area of the school building during the school day, visitors should call the building office and pre-register for an appointment prior to the date of the visit.
  • Absent an emergency, requests to meet with a classroom teacher or other staff member should be made in advance to allow the school time to make arrangements for substitute coverage, as necessary.
  • All visitors shall enter the main entrance of the school and utilize the “buzzer” located outside of the building to notify the office.
  • All visitors must identify themselves and their purpose, no exceptions. Familiar visitors can simply be asked their purpose.
  • All visitors must present photo identification. The photo ID will be secured in the main office and will be returned upon sign out.
  • All visitor IDs will be vetted by the Navigation 360 Visitor Management System; authorized visitors will then be given a red KCSD Visitor lanyard with a visitor’s badge which must be worn at all times while in the building.


Welcome Volunteers

KCSD welcomes all families and friends as volunteers in our schools! 

Act 15 defines direct volunteer contact as the care, supervision, guidance or control of children and routine interaction with children. Routine interaction is defined as regular and repeated contact that is integral to a person’s employment or volunteer responsibilities.

PA Act 15

Volunteers must have clearances in order to be approved to offer their services in the schools. Individuals may obtain these clearances by applying online at the following websites:

Act 34: PA Criminal Clearance (Valid for 5 years)
Act 151: PA Child Abuse History
Act 24: PA Volunteer Affirmation Statement

Applicants who have not resided in Pennsylvania for the last 10 consecutive years must also complete the following clearance:

FBI Criminal Clearance (Enter service code 1kg6zj) Once obtained, the clearances must be submitted at least two weeks prior to your first volunteer experience.

Submit Your Clearances

Woman with child holding on to her back

Safety for our students

Act 15 defines direct volunteer contact as the care, supervision, guidance or control of children and routine interaction with children. Routine interaction is defined as regular and repeated contact that is integral to a person’s employment or volunteer responsibilities.

Volunteers must have clearances in order to be approved to offer their services in the schools. Individuals may obtain these clearances by applying online.

Once obtained, the clearances must be submitted at least two weeks prior to your first volunteer experience.

PA Act 15